Citizen Science in Oceania

There are numerous projects, activities, institutions, and organizations in Oceania that engage citizens in gathering data on various environmental issues. For instance, citizen science programs such as "Wildlife Spotter" in Australia and "EcoTrack" in New Zealand, involve citizens in tracking and monitoring animals in their respective countries. Other initiatives such as "The Plastic Tide" in the Pacific Islands and "Plastic Free Samoa" rely on citizens to collect data on plastic pollution levels and help identify sources of plastic waste. Additionally, institutions like the Australian Museum and the Auckland Museum provide platforms for citizens to contribute to the discovery of new species and enhance knowledge about the region's biodiversity. Through citizen science, stakeholders in Oceania can bridge the gap between science and society by increasing public participation, promoting trust, and ultimately improving the management of natural resources. Below are some of the projects, activities, institutions, and organizations that participated in citizen science advocacy. (Incomplete listing)



  1. Reef Check Australia - Volunteers help monitor the health of coral reefs in Australia. Website:

  2. The Atlas of Living Australia - This project aims to provide a comprehensive database of Australia's flora and fauna. Website:

  3. The Australian Bird Feeding and Watering Study - This project aims to investigate the impacts of supplementary feeding and watering on bird populations. Website:

  4. New Zealand Marine fishes website Surveillance Programme - Volunteers help monitor the presence of marine pests in New Zealand waters. Website:

  5. The Australian Museum Fishes website - Citizens can contribute photos and information on fish species found in Australian waters. Website:

  6. New Zealand's Freshwater Fish Database - Volunteers help record the distribution and abundance of freshwater fish species in New Zealand. Website:

  7. WildCount - This project aims to track populations of threatened and endangered species in Australia. Website:

  8. Southern Cross University Whale Research Centre - This project studies whale populations and behaviour off the coast of Australia. Website:

  9. New Zealand's Seabird Tracker - Citizens can contribute sightings of seabirds around New Zealand. Website:

  10. The Australian Butterfly Conservation Project - Volunteers help monitor butterfly populations and contribute to research on their conservation. Website:

  11. The New Zealand Garden Bird Survey - Citizens record bird sightings in their gardens to help monitor bird populations. Website:

  12. The New Zealand Bat Monitoring Programme - Volunteers help monitor bat populations and contribute to research on their conservation. Website:

  13. The Great Kererū Count - Citizens record sightings of the kererū pigeon in New Zealand to help monitor their population. Website:

  14. The Australian Microplastic Assessment Project - Volunteers help collect and analyze microplastic samples from Australian waterways. Website:

  15. The New Zealand Tui Monitoring Programme - Citizens help monitor tui populations and their habitat. Website:

  16. The Great Barrier Reef Citizen Science Program - This program encourages citizens to help monitor the health of the Great Barrier Reef.

  17. The Australian Museum's Frog ID - A project that allows citizens to help monitor frog populations and species distribution.

  18. The New Zealand Bird Atlas - A project that involves citizens in recording bird sightings across New Zealand.

  19. The Southern Hemisphere Humpback Whale Catalogue - A project that invites citizens to contribute photographs and sightings of humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere.

  20. The iNaturalist Australia - A platform that allows citizens to record and identify Australian wildlife sightings.

  21. The Wild Pollinator Count - A citizen science project that involves recording and identifying pollinators in gardens and natural areas.

  22. The Eyes on the Reef Program - This program involves citizens in monitoring and reporting coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef.

  23. The Australian Acoustic Observatory - A project that invites citizens to record and analyze acoustic data from natural environments.

  24. The ClimateWatch - A citizen science project that involves monitoring changes in the timing of seasonal events in plants and animals across Australia.

  25. The New Zealand National Flax Collection - A project that involves citizens in monitoring and conserving New Zealand's native flax species.

  26. The Reef Life Survey - A project that involves citizens in surveying and monitoring marine life in Australia and New Zealand.

  27. The New Zealand Marine Mammal Database - A project that invites citizens to contribute sightings of marine mammals in New Zealand waters.

  1. Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) - ACSA is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports citizen science in Australia. Their website provides resources, tools, and networking opportunities for members and the wider community. (

  2. Reef Check Australia - A non-profit organization that empowers volunteers to monitor the health of reefs through citizen science. Their website offers training programs, resources, and opportunities for public engagement. (

  3. New Zealand Citizen Science Association (NZCSA) - A non-profit organization that aims to advance citizen science in New Zealand. Their website provides information, resources, and networking opportunities for members and the wider community. (

  4. Birds in Backyards - An Australian citizen science project that encourages volunteers to collect data on bird populations in urban areas. Their website provides resources, identification tools, and data analysis for participants. (

  5. Pacific Whale Foundation - A non-profit organization that conducts research and conservation efforts for whales and dolphins in the Pacific. Their website provides information about their projects, educational resources, and opportunities for public engagement. (

  6. Great Barrier Reef Foundation - A charity organization that supports research, conservation, and community engagement programs for the Great Barrier Reef. Their website provides information about their projects, partnerships, and how to get involved. (

  7. OozfishzFish Unlimited - An Australian conservation organization that uses citizen science to monitor and restore fish habitats in rivers and estuaries. Their website provides information about their projects, educational resources, and opportunities for public engagement. (

  8. Beach Patrol - An Australian organization that organizes beach cleanups and collects data on marine debris through citizen science. Their website provides information about their events, resources for volunteers, and data analysis. (

  9. Southern Cross University Whale Research Centre - A research center in Australia that collaborates with citizen scientists to study whales and dolphins in the region. Their website provides information about their projects, research findings, and opportunities for public engagement. (

  10. NatureWatch NZ - A citizen science project in New Zealand that enables volunteers to record sightings of plants, animals, and fungi in their local area. Their website provides identification guides, data analysis, and educational resources for participants. (

  11. New South Wales Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) - An Australian organization that uses citizen science to collect data on wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. Their website provides information about their services, educational resources, and how to report wildlife sightings. (

  12. FrogWatch - A citizen science project in Australia that collects data on frog populations and their habitat. Their website provides resources for participants, educational materials, and data analysis. (

  13. National Environmental Science Program (NESP) - An Australian government initiative that supports research in environmental science, including citizen science projects. Their website provides information about their projects, partnerships, and research findings. (

  14. Fireballs in the Sky - A citizen science project in Australia and New Zealand that collects data on meteor events through volunteers using smartphones. Their website provides information about the project, educational resources, and data analysis. (

  15. Birdlife Australia - A non-profit organization that engages the public in bird conservation through citizen science projects and advocacy. Website:

  16. Great Australian Bight Research Program - A research program that uses citizen science to monitor the health of the Great Australian Bight marine ecosystem. Website:

  17. Zero Emissions Byron - A community-led organization in Australia that uses citizen science to monitor air quality and emissions in the region. Website:

  18. Australian Museum - The Australian Museum engages citizen scientists in a range of research and conservation projects, including biodiversity monitoring and insect classification. Website:

  19. The Atlas of Living Australia - A collaborative project that provides a platform for citizen scientists to contribute data on Australia's biodiversity. Website:

  20. Wellington Zoo - Wellington Zoo in New Zealand uses citizen science to monitor and conserve local wildlife, including bird species and tuatara. Website:

  21. FeralScan - A citizen science project in Australia that collects data on the distribution of feral animals through reports from the public. Website:

  22. FrogID - A citizen science project in Australia that uses smartphone technology to record and identify frog calls, contributing to the conservation of native frog species. Website:

  23. New Zealand Bird Atlas - A citizen science project that maps the distribution and abundance of bird species in New Zealand. Website:

  24. WildLab - A citizen science project in Australia that engages volunteers in monitoring wildlife populations and their habitat. Website:

  25. North Queensland Wildlife Care - An Australian organization that uses citizen science to collect data on wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in the region. Website:

  26. MarineWatch - A citizen science project in New Zealand that monitors marine biodiversity and invasive species. Website:

  27. Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease Program - A conservation program that uses citizen science to monitor the health of Tasmanian devil populations. Website:

  28. The University of Queensland - The University of Queensland in Australia engages citizen scientists in a range of research projects, including climate change and biodiversity monitoring. Website:

  29. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority - The government agency responsible for managing the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which includes citizen science projects to monitor the health of the reef. Website:

  30. EcoShout - A community-driven platform that connects people with environmental projects and campaigns across Australia. Website:

  31. Coastwatchers - A citizen science project in the Pacific that engages volunteers in monitoring and reporting on coastal and marine ecosystems. Website:

  32. South Australian Whale Centre - A research and education center that engages citizen scientists in collecting data on whale sightings and behavior in South Australia. Website:

  33. OceansWatch - A marine conservation organization that engages local communities and volunteers in research and conservation projects in the Pacific Islands. Website:

  34. Kiwi Coast - A community-led conservation project that engages volunteers in predator control and habitat restoration for North Island brown kiwi. Website:

  35. Southern Ocean Diatoms - A citizen science project that engages volunteers in identifying and counting diatoms from sediment samples collected in the Southern Ocean. Website:

  36. Blue Ventures - A marine conservation organization that engages local communities and volunteers in research and conservation projects in Madagascar and the western Indian Ocean. Website:

  37. Landcare Australia - A national network of volunteers engaged in conservation and land management projects across Australia. Website:

  38. Eyes on the Reef - A citizen science project that encourages visitors to the Great Barrier Reef to report on the health and status of the reef. Website:

  39. The Mulloon Institute - A research and education organization that engages citizen scientists in landscape restoration and regenerative agriculture projects in Australia. Website:

  40. CoralWatch - A citizen science project that trains volunteers to monitor the health of coral reefs worldwide. Website:

  41. Nature Conservation Council of NSW - A non-profit organization that engages citizen scientists in monitoring and protecting the environment in New South Wales, Australia. Website:

  42. The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape - A UNESCO World Heritage site that engages Traditional Owners and volunteers in landscape restoration and cultural heritage projects in Victoria, Australia. Website:

  43. Experiencing Marine Reserves - A citizen science project in New Zealand that engages volunteers in exploring and monitoring marine reserves. Website:

  44. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu - A Maori tribal organization in New Zealand that engages citizen scientists in monitoring and protecting the environment. Website:

  45. Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness - A citizen science project that encourages people to record and share observations of flora and fauna in the coastal wilderness of southeastern Australia. Website:

  46. Te Whakaoranga o Ngā Whenua Rahui - A Maori-led conservation organization in New Zealand that engages citizen scientists in restoring and protecting ancestral lands and waters. Website:

Projects & Activities
Institutions & Organizations